DIGNITY Provides unprecedented international solutions for Debit and prepaid Cards. DIGNITY can issue card solutions in 79 Countries as well as provide card to card cross border remittance. Our technology platform provides KYC/AML on all remittance transactions, so you are always in full compliance. Add Ons include Micro Loans, to Telemedicine and more. Easy to integrate into your current fintech solutions, digital wallet, and donation platforms.
International Card 2 Card
Issue in 79 Countries
A True International Solution
Micro Loans
Gift Cards
Checking Account
Low Fraud Risk
No Need to be an MSB
Accept International
No Social Security Number or U.S. ID Required for Non U.S. Citizens
A Passion for Unique Humanitarian Solutions
DIGNITY is our name for a reason. We believe all people should have access to banking and remittance to their families no matter where they are in the world. Additionally, we love to empower groups, affiliations, religious organizations etc., with uniquely tailored and powerful international banking solutions.